Screen Door

August 13 — 17, 2025 • Camden, Maine

Five days of music, with multiple performances each day, presented in our own Hammer Hall. Gather along one of the most scenic coastlines in the world for a truly outstanding summer music festival experience.

Screen Door Festival 2024  |  Aug 14–18  |  Camden, Maine


About screen door festival

Screen Door offers vibrant variety.

While you can hear remarkable performances of standard repertoire, you can also experience world premieres, one-of-a-kind creative happenings, free concerts on Camden Village Green, and a thoroughly welcoming, convivial atmosphere.

Last year’s festival featured 50 artists in 24 concerts presenting unexpected collaborations, illuminating talks, revealing conversations from the stage, and a memorable musical journey for the almost 2500 audience members who attended.

A message from Artistic Director, Manuel Bagorro

“Live music can change the mood, feeling, life, and atmosphere of a place. I am so proud to curate the inaugural season in Bay Chamber’s new home as a creative and musical housewarming. Our 2024 season aims to establish roots and resonance in our building, and in the community for whom I hope our organization will be a home for creative thinkers, learners, and music lovers. Our 2024 season forges new connections through music and sparks exciting new possibilities. I invite you to help us create a meaningful season of  music that echoes through the walls of our new home, enriching not just our lives, but the artistic landscape of Maine. I look forward to seeing you at many 2024 summer concerts!”