
  • Welcome to Bay Chamber Music School! The following are our policies and procedures for enrollment. We do our very best to accommodate our students’ needs. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Josie Davis.


    Our academic year is divided into three semesters, two 15-week semesters, Fall and Spring, and a flexible summer session. New students can enroll throughout the year and tuition will be pro-rated. We encourage students to enroll for the full year to gain the most benefit from their instruction.

    Individual lessons are offered in violin, viola, cello, bass, classical/jazz piano, classical/acoustic/electric guitar, ukulele, winds, brass, voice, percussion, and composition. Registration for lessons and classes is complete with receipt of your annual $50 enrollment fee and registration or re-enrollment form. New students can complete the online form at our website or return a paper copy to the office. Returning students should complete a re-enrollment form. When your lesson time and length have been established with a faculty member, you will receive an invoice detailing costs and payment options.


    We put thought and effort into finding the right teacher for each student. Assignment of newly registered students for private lessons is based on instrument, teacher availability and studio space. A meeting or phone conversation with the Executive Director to review options ensures making the right placement for each student.

    TUITION AND FEES 2024-2025

    We are very proud of our accomplished, professional faculty. All our teachers are practicing musicians highly trained in their field. Tuition covers lessons and discounted membership in our ensemble programs, along with opportunities for workshops with guest artists, free concert tickets and other educational opportunities throughout the year.


    Private Instruction: New Students
    New students seeking private lessons should fill out the Registration Form online or in the office. After placement with an instructor has been confirmed (with an established day, time and lesson duration) students can set up their payment plan with the office and will receive invoices with appropriate fees, and tuition.

    Placement of New Students
    We put thought and effort into finding the right teacher for each student. Assignment of newly registered students for private lessons is based on instrument, teacher availability and studio space. A meeting or phone conversation with Josie Davis to review options ensures making the right placement for each student.

    Private Instruction: Returning Students
    After confirming the day, time and length of the lesson with your current instructor, complete and submit the online Registration Form.


    All payments are made to Bay Chamber and paid in advance of any lesson/coaching/class. Faculty members do not accept payment from students for lessons. Please see the Registrar to make a payment and set-up invoices.


    Please choose a payment option at the time of registration. We accept cash, Visa or MasterCard (credit or debit); personal check or money order to be made payable to Bay Chamber.

    • Option #1 - Full Payment: 100% due with registration. Save $5.00 per month by paying in full!

    • Option# 2 - Multi-payment plan: Four payments charged automatically to credit card in Fall or Spring. Authorized payer must submit a valid Visa or MasterCard debit or credit card. First payment is due at the time of the first lesson. A $5.00 fee is applied monthly for this payment plan.

    • Scholarship applicants: Four payments charged automatically to credit card in Fall or Spring based on scholarship. Scholarship application must be completed and include a copy of most recent IRS Form 1040. Authorized payer must submit a valid Visa or MasterCard debit or credit card, which will automatically be charged.

    • Summer term only: We require payment in full when registering for 3 lessons (minimum). If registering for more than 3 lessons, summer tuition can be paid in 3 installments to be arranged with office.

    15 weeks: Fall or Spring

    30 minutes: $48
    45 minutes: $58
    60 minutes: $68
    90 minutes: $98

    Summer lessons – minimum of 3 at the above rates

    Less than 15 weeks: Fall or Spring

    30 minutes: $53
    45 minutes: $63
    60 minutes: $73
    90 minutes: $107


    Chamber Ensemble meets Tuesdays, weekly for fall and spring semesters.

    Rates for fully enrolled students:

    Chamber Ensemble Coaching is available weekly for fall and spring semesters. Students fully enrolled for 15 weeks of private instruction per semester are eligible to participate in one chamber ensemble for a $100 fee per semester. Students may apply as pre-formed ensembles or individuals can be placed in groups based on ability. Chamber music coaching for non-fully enrolled students is available for a fee of $35 per person, per one hour session.


    The Bay Chamber Jazz Ensemble meets weekly throughout the school year. For students fully enrolled in private instruction, the Jazz Ensemble is free. For all others, tuition for the Jazz Ensemble is $150 per semester.


    Other Group Classes and workshops are offered throughout the year. Please check our website for more information about a variety of offerings.

  • We have a generous scholarship program and try to meet the financial needs of all our students. Financial aid is granted to students on the basis of family need and availability of funds. Those receiving financial assistance are not eligible for additional discounts.


    Please note that we hire our instructors on an annual basis, according to registrations received. When a student enrolls in our program, we require a commitment from the student. If a student withdraws at any time after they have a confirmed schedule, the $50 enrollment fee is not refundable. Notice of withdrawal must be submitted to the office.


    No refunds are given for lessons, classes or ensemble tuition after the start of the first class or rehearsal. Enrollment fees are non-refundable.


    Non-payment of tuition in accordance with the terms outlined under the Payment section of these policies will result in late fee of $25 per month, loss of scholarship awards or discounts, and the possibility of suspension of lessons. Re-enrollment or new registrations will not be processed until past due balances are paid in full. Bay Chamber reserves the right to suspend or discontinue instruction of any student who is delinquent in fulfilling their financial obligation.


    The official policy for the music school is that student absences will not be made up. Students are charged for all lessons for which they register, including those missed through student absence. Make-up lessons are offered solely at the discretion of the teacher for student absences. The teacher may choose to offer a make-up that works for their schedule. If the student cannot come on the make-up days offered, the student foregoes the opportunity for the lesson to be made up. For teacher absences we offer make-up dates built into the semester schedule. If the student cannot come on any of the make-up days, they forego their opportunity for make-ups. All teacher absences or cancellations by Bay Chamber due to teacher obligations, teacher illness, weather or emergencies will be made-up during the times faculty make available or during the school make up weeks at the end of each semester.


    Bay Chamber follows the cancellation and vacation dates of Five Town CSD/MSAD #28, the Camden-Rockport school system. Weather-related lesson cancellations will be on our website and on social media. Weather-related cancellations will be made up before the end of the semester.

    • If Five Town CSD/MSAD #28 is closed at the start of the school day, then Bay Chamber will be closed.

    • If Five Town CSD/MSAD # 28 has a late arrival, Bay Chamber will operate on a normal schedule.

    • If Five Town CSD/MSAD # 28 announces early release by 11:00 a.m., Bay Chamber will contact students if classes or rehearsals are cancelled.

    In the event of an inordinate number of weather cancellations, we may offer scheduled vacation days and alternative weekdays to accommodate the makeup lessons.


    If any class has insufficient enrollment, we reserve the right to cancel the course or to offer the class with an adjusted tuition rate, length and/or number of class meetings. If a class is cancelled, refunds will be issued within 30 business days.


    Bay Chamber’s method of assigning a private instructor is designed to make the best possible match before studies begin. If a change is desired, however, a student/parent must first contact Josie Davis.


    Faculty and other local musicians are available to serve as accompanists to Bay Chamber students for recitals. Rehearsal sessions are scheduled depending on the availability of the accompanist. If our faculty member provides accompaniment, the accompanist fee is $60 per hour, for a one hour maximum, payable to Bay Chamber. While one hour must be paid in full, the hour may be split between two students for scheduled sessions of 30 minutes each, at the discretion of the accompanist. The accompanist fee of $60/student for the winter and spring recitals is covered by Bay Chamber, all other Faculty accompanist arrangements that fall outside of official recitals will be billed to the student by Bay Chamber.


    Bay Chamber reserves the right and may give permission to its photographer or outside media, to photograph classes, programs, and participants at all our facilities and properties. Please be aware that these photos are for promotional purposes and may be used in future publications and media communications. A photo release form is located on the Registration Form. Please clearly indicate if you do not give your consent.


    Bay Chamber Music School students are occasionally offered complimentary or discounted tickets to various performances presented by Bay Chamber Concerts. Notification of complimentary tickets is usually done by email. Be sure the office has a current email for your family so you won’t miss out.


    An integral part of music study is the opportunity for performance. Recitals are offered to private instruction students several times throughout the year. Recitals and concerts for the year are listed on the Music School Calendar.


    All registered students may use Bay Chamber studio space at no charge by prior reservation or as space is available. For all other uses, please contact the Josie Davis.


    Bay Chamber Music School has sound-proof rehearsal studios and several excellent pianos. There is a lounge area for students to wait for lessons. When students are not in their lesson or class, they are the responsibility of their parents or caregivers. To ensure your child's safety, please be sure to pick them up promptly after lesson/class. Children waiting in the hallway or lobby before and/or after their lesson/class cannot be supervised by Bay Chamber staff. Children are under supervision during their instruction time only. Neither teachers nor administrative staff are responsible for supervising children outside of teaching times.


    Bay Chamber Concerts and Music School is committed to a supportive and inclusive culture. We do not discriminate on the basis of race or color, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, gender identity, gender expression, physical or mental disability, religion, age, ancestry or national origin, or any other status protected by local, state or federal laws.


    Bay Chamber upholds the highest standards of mutual respect and inclusivity. All Music School family members, students, faculty and staff are expected to be respectful and considerate. Harassment of any kind will not be tolerated.